Workplace assessment is comprehensive research into a workplace that is struggling. The goal of doing workplace assessments is to create a healthy, productive environment when morale and productivity are low. An assessment can help address both of those things.

When you get to workplace assessment most employees frequently feel disrespected in some way. The word “toxic” is often used to describe the work environment. A lot of blame is happening.

The assessment involves:

  • Interviewing employees and leadership in a strictly confidential manner.
  • Reviewing documents that may contribute to a situation.
  • Delivering a comprehensive report with observations and recommendations.

Some of the common themes that employees want to explore during the assessment include:

  • Communication breakdown in the workplace.
  • Changes to the organizational structure.
  • Recognition, or the lack thereof.
  • Respect in the workplace.
  • Workplace culture.

Identifying when a workplace assessment is appropriate

Has your workplace got you puzzled as to why you can’t shift the culture to a positive one? A workplace assessment may be appropriate when there is a desire to create a healthy workplace in which people feel productive and respected.

Questions to ask about the situation at work:

  • Are there productivity issues?
  • Are people gossiping?
  • Are grievances being filed?
  • Are there accusations of unfairness and lack of respect?
  • Does it feel like negativity rules your organization?
  • Are the facts often skewed?
  • Are the lines between facts and myth blurred?

How we can help

An assessment is not an investigation. An assessment is 100 per cent confidential and focuses on what leadership and employees can do to improve the workplace environment.

We believe that everyone cares and wants to enjoy coming to work. They may not know how to recover from a situation and don’t have the ability or know how to review what happened and create an effective strategy to rebuild. We can help by building trust with employees and managers, being transparent with the process and ensuring that single individuals are not targeted or blamed.

We will provide a report with approximately 20 recommendations. Leaders choose their top recommendations to implement and employees are engaged to determine which recommendations would help move the organization forward. If you desire, we can help with implementing the recommendations.


If you identify with some of the issues listed, a workplace assessment may be appropriate.

Book a consultation.

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